Oils & Young Living 101

“Essential Oils” are not actual oils… they are the result of extracting the lifeblood of a plant and more potent than herbs used for thousands of years.  A single drop of peppermint oil is the equivalent of 26 cups of peppermint tea!

You might not know that we use essential oils every day in things like toothpaste, perfume, laundry detergent, candles, etc.  Unless stated otherwise, the oils in foods and perfumes are commonly synthetic and have no therapeutic health benefits.  In fact, synthetic oils can do more harm than good.

Within 20 minutes of applying oils, they can be found in every cell of our bodies.  This is why their purity is vital, and the necessary steam distillation process is an incredibly tedious and delicate one!  It is crucial to the final health benefits of an essential oil.

Why Young Living when there are other choices?

Young Living is the only company in the world with their patented “Seed to Seal” process.  They own their own farms, which are open to the public.  They use 6 independent labs they do not own to test their oils objectively, as much as 20 times per oil!  These labs include CNRS France & forensic labs who work with Scotland Yard and even the FBI.  (now that is straight up cool.)

seed to seal young living info

The Young Living Foundation allows people to give back a percentage of profits for organizations such as Hope for Justice that saves people from human trafficking and slavery.  I’m proud of this company!

But the oils at the grocery store and other retailers say 100% pure…?

Did you know that the FDA requires a bottle to contain 5% pure essential oil in order for the label to say “100% pure”?  Google it.  This means the other 95% could be fillers.  Yum.

To be Certified Organic, a product must be 95% organically produced.  This means 5% could still be synthetic.  Young Living wasn’t ok with this.  Their farmland must be organic for 50 years (blowing the FDA out of the water), and many of their farms are outside the US, meaning the “Certified Organic” label isn’t available for those locations anyway.  Seeking the FDA label would drive up costs, and would also require using FDA “organic” pesticides, but Young Living refuses to use any pesticides whatsoever.   However, they did create their FDA-approved dietary items called the”Vitality” line.

Aren’t they expensive?

Not in the end, and you get what you pay for.

When you calculate the cost per drop in relation to the potency of high-quality oils, you will realize you can actually save money by using Young Living.  (Example: a couple of drops of Oregano or Rosemary Vitality in cooking oil can flavor an entire family-size meal.  3 drops of lemon is too much for 1 smoothie.  I learned this on accident.)

Many of their household products are highly concentrated and can be diluted, working effectively for months.

Mainstream “healthcare” is more expensive than ever.  I consider this holistic approach an investment in my family’s future. 


MLM?  Seriously?

I’m laughing while typing this.  Let me tell you, I had a very bad taste in my mouth for all things MLM, even if a company’s products worked!  I would still steer clear!  I had to set my bias aside and learn that when used correctly, direct marketing can be beautiful for two reasons. (These reasons are why Gary Young refused to sell Young Living to a big company for retail sales years ago and insisted it remain a network marketing company.)

Relationships: If I just bought oils off a website or retail shelf, I wouldn’t have the friendships I do now (or have been able to do business with long-time friends!), and wouldn’t be directly supporting their beautiful, hilarious families.

Education: Without our team’s education, most of what I bought would be sitting on a shelf unutilized.  (My overall daily health would quite honestly be very different as a result.)

When you join as a member, it simply means you get 24% off for a year.  In our team, there are private Facebook groups you will be added to, FREE monthly classes, business education if you want it, and more.

You DO NOT have to sell, and there will be ZERO pressure for that. If you simply want to use oils and be part of the natural-tribe, I would be thrilled to have you!

(If you DO want to get your oils paid for, there is an incredible biz community here.)

Starting this journey can seem overwhelming, which is why we’re here: to simplify and walk you through it.


Click here to get your oils and join me!

DISCLOSURE: Please note these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. I am not a doctor. I am simply sharing my experiences.